FIFA Division Rivals Rewards: What Did the Reddit Community Get?

Discover the highs and lows of FIFA Division Rivals rewards on Reddit with the latest pack pulls and reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans have been buzzing on Reddit about the recent Division Rivals rewards, sharing their pack pulls and experiences.


  • Players are expressing mixed sentiments about the rewards, with some landing top-tier pulls while others face disappointment.
  • Red picks and pack contents seem to vary widely, leading to differing levels of satisfaction among gamers.
  • The anticipation of TOTS player packs has players debating whether to open them immediately or wait for specific league releases.

Top Pulls and Disappointments

Reddit user mark364i scored Saint-Maximin in Div 2 red picks but found nothing else noteworthy in the packs.

Short_Desk_1273 from Div 1 celebrated a 94-rated German player but was less thrilled with multiple Van Dijk pulls…

Strategy Dilemmas

Some gamers, like MagistarEFUNTZ, are holding off on opening packs until specific league releases to increase chances of landing top players…

Other players, such as SpringKFCgravy, found themselves disappointed with the lack of TOTS players in their packs…

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

From jubilant moments like Jordan32h finally snagging a good tradeable pull during TOTS…

…to frustrations like Original-Ad-4579’s duplicate player pulls, the FIFA community experiences highs and lows…