FIFA Community Reactions to TOTS Moments Sergej Milinković-Savić Objective

FIFA players express mixed feelings about the latest Sergej Milinković-Savić objective card.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans are buzzing with excitement and critique over the new TOTS Moments Sergej Milinković-Savić Objective. The card’s release has sparked a blend of praise and disappointment among users.


  • Community divided over the new TOTS Moments Sergej Milinković-Savić Objective card.
  • Players appreciate the addition to their teams but lament the rating and league restrictions.
  • Mixed reactions towards the choice of midfielders as objective players.
  • Desire for varied player selections and enhanced attributes in future objectives.

Community Reactions

One player expressed frustration about EA releasing low OVR packs during the Premier League TOTS, calling it a joke. This sentiment speaks to a recurring issue with pack rewards in the game.

Another user highlighted the prevalence of midfielders as objective players, expressing a desire for more variety in player selections. This comment echoes a common sentiment within the community.

A positive reaction came from a player who found the new card to be a welcome addition to their team, especially appreciating the chemistry boost from the Saudi league. This showcases the diverse preferences in FIFA teams.

Player Insights

One user mentioned the disappointment over the changed skill moves and work rates from the player’s previous card, indicating a desire for consistency in player attributes across different versions.

Some users shared their excitement about using the new card, noting its potential as a replacement for iconic players like Zidane. This demonstrates the importance of new player additions in keeping the game fresh for players.

Overall, the community’s reactions to the TOTS Moments Sergej Milinković-Savić Objective reflect a mix of enthusiasm for new content and frustration with certain aspects of the card. While some welcome the addition to their teams, others criticize the lack of variety in player selections and attribute enhancements. FIFA players continue to engage with the game passionately, providing feedback and discussing ways to improve the overall experience.