FIFA: A Tale of Woes in Weekend League

Join the struggle of a FIFA player who went 0-20 in Weekend League - will the tide turn?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of FIFA, going 0-20 in the Weekend League is a surefire way to test your sanity. GayForJorahMormont shares their pain as they struggle to secure Laliga cards despite their efforts with a decent team in Division 7. Conceding last-minute goals leaves them questioning the game’s eerie mechanics.


  • Weekend League woes can unite players in commiseration.
  • Divisional matchmaking frustrations run rampant among the player base.
  • Qualifying for Weekend League proves to be a daunting task for many.

Commiseration Among Struggling Players

FIFA players like Gullible_Shoe_1724 and berlikan empathize with GayForJorahMormont’s plight, sharing their own struggles in Weekend League and qualifying matches. The sense of camaraderie in shared hardships shines through their comments.

Divisional Discontent

Players like bagodonuts6432 express frustration at what they perceive as unfair matchmaking, pitting lower division players against stronger opponents. This disparity in skill levels adds a layer of challenge that many find disheartening.

Struggles with Qualification

For kyrant and elwookie, their initial attempts at qualifying for Weekend League mirror GayForJorahMormont’s struggle. The uphill battle of winning qualifiers and facing relentless opponents paints a picture of perseverance in the face of adversity.

The FIFA community, while diverse in skill levels, shares a common bond in the trials and tribulations of Weekend League. Whether it’s battling through tough opponents, experiencing matchmaking woes, or striving to qualify, every player encounters obstacles that test their mettle. While the virtual pitch may bring frustration, it also forges connections among those who weather its challenges.