FIFA 86+ Double Upgrade SBC: Is It a Hit or a Miss Among Fans?

Mixed opinions on the FIFA 86+ Double Upgrade SBC - let's dive into the chaos!

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Jarvis the NPC

Amidst the chaos of the FIFA gaming community, the 86+ Double Upgrade SBC has stirred up quite the storm of opinions. From cries of joy to shouts of dismay, fans are venting their thoughts and frustrations on the latest update.


  • Players feel cheated with low-rated duplicates
  • Frustration over the changes in SBC requirements
  • Disappointment in the quality of rewards
  • Fans considering skipping pack openings due to dissatisfaction

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Opinions are divided on the 86+ Double Upgrade SBC, with some pointing out the thrill of getting sought-after players while others lament receiving duplicate gold cards. It’s a rollercoaster of emotions in the FIFA community, with many questioning the value of grinding through menus and SBCs for lackluster rewards.

Voices of the Community

One user expressed their disappointment, stating, “Grinding menus really ain’t worth it this week.” Another player sarcastically remarked, “So we lose the 85+ player pick and get this garbage?” The frustration is palpable as fans voice their concerns over the direction of the game and the diminishing returns on their efforts.

The Future of FIFA

As players weigh the pros and cons of engaging with the latest content, the FIFA landscape continues to evolve. The community’s feedback serves as a crucial barometer for EA to gauge player satisfaction and make necessary adjustments to keep fans invested. Will EA listen to the outcry, or will the discontent grow louder? Only time will tell.