FIFA 22 Ultimate Team Dilemma: Meta or Passionate Fandom?

In FIFA Ultimate Team, players debate going meta versus following their favorite club. What's your strategy?

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA fans are torn between building a squad based on ‘Meta’ players or showing loyalty to their favorite real-life teams. A reddit post by JasonTheNoEyeMC ignited a heated debate on prioritizing elite cards or players linked to one’s heart. The community shares diverse perspectives, shedding light on the eternal question plaguing FIFA Ultimate Team aficionados. Whether you lean towards a powerhouse squad or embrace the emotional connection with your team, the age-old conundrum persists in the FUT universe.


  • Players grapple between Meta choices and personal team affinity.
  • The dilemma extends beyond just gameplay, influencing how fans connect with FUT.
  • Community opinions vary from pure Meta squads to passionately themed lineups.

Meta or Fandom?

FUT enthusiasts struggle to strike a balance between fielding a Meta team for optimal performance or assembling a squad based on personal passion. While some prioritize top-tier players like Gullit and Cruyff, others opt for a more sentimental approach, showcasing allegiance to their beloved clubs.

The Middle Ground

A Reddit user, ClockAccomplished381, suggests a hybrid strategy, combining effective gameplay with a touch of sentiment. While leaning towards Meta, they harmonize it by including players they genuinely admire, creating a unique roster that reflects both competitiveness and personal connection.

Unique Team Respect

Player TheAngryKoalaUK values facing unconventional teams, appreciating the effort and creativity put into crafting a distinct lineup. Losing to a player with a team reflecting their individuality evokes admiration, emphasizing the diverse ways FUT enthusiasts approach team building.

Value over Meta

User MOE1427 highlights the hidden gems in the player market, emphasizing the impact of undervalued cards on gameplay. By focusing on value rather than Meta status, they showcase the strategic aspect of team construction, proving that effectiveness transcends big-name players.

The FIFA community’s divide over prioritizing meta players versus showcasing passion for their real-life teams underscores the richness of personal narratives within the competitive FUT environment. As players navigate the intricate web of squad building, the essence of the game transcends mere victories, encapsulating the emotional investment and strategic choices that define each unique FUT journey.