FIFA 22 Community: Toxicity in the Game Revealed by Redditors

Discover why FIFA 22 fans are crying foul over the toxic behavior within the community in this revealing blog post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of toxic behavior in FIFA 22? Dive into the community’s conversation about the game’s fan base.


  • FIFA 22 community complains about toxic celebrations and spamming of cutback goals.
  • Players feel forced to use meta teams for success, compromising on fun.
  • Evident lack of sportsmanship and excessive toxicity impacting gameplay enjoyment.
  • Debate on EA’s responsibility in enabling toxic player behaviors.

Response to Toxicity

Redditor blaster1988 expresses dismay over the community’s pervasive toxic behavior, highlighting the lack of variety in tactics and formations.

Impact of Meta Teams

Important_Bed_4513 discusses how the focus on winning over fun leads to players using the same meta teams and tactics, diminishing the overall enjoyment of the game.

Community and EA Dynamics

Sarussell94 delves into the relationship between player behavior and EA’s game design, emphasizing how enabling toxic behavior can lead to a negative gaming experience.

Celebrations and Attitudes

2cu3be1 critiques the community for exploiting game mechanics and discusses the role of celebrations in reflecting player attitudes.