Fextralife: Elden Ring Intelligence Build – How to Build a Carian Cleaver Guide (All Game Build)

Learn how to build a powerful Carian Cleaver build in Elden Ring with high intelligence and melee damage. Watch the video guide by Fextralife.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fextralife’s video guide titled ‘Elden Ring Intelligence Build – How to Build a Carian Cleaver Guide (All Game Build)’ provides a comprehensive overview of a powerful build using the Carian Cleaver weapon in Elden Ring. The build focuses on high intelligence and melee damage, making it a versatile choice for players. The video showcases gameplay footage against various bosses and enemies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Carian Cleaver is a powerful weapon that deals high damage when set to the magic infusion.
  • The build focuses on intelligence, allowing players to cast spells and use the charge R2 strategy effectively.
  • Using the Royal Knights resolve buff enhances the damage of the charge R2 attack, making it a devastating move.
  • The build also incorporates the Carian Regal Scepter and Jellyfish Shield for additional melee damage and block counters.

Weapon and Armor:

The Carian Cleaver is obtained early in the game and has high damage and strength scaling. It is recommended to infuse it with magic.

The Carian Regal Scepter is a good choice for high intelligence builds, allowing players to use spells and the charge R2 strategy effectively. Other weapons can be used early in the game until the Carian Regal Scepter is obtained.

The Jellyfish Shield is a valuable addition to the build, providing block counters and additional melee damage. Players can switch between the shield and the scepter to buff their damage with Royal Knights resolve.

Attributes and Talismans:

Recommended attributes for the build include high vigor for survivability, mind and endurance for spellcasting and stamina management, and strength and dexterity to meet weapon requirements.

Talismans such as the Ritual Sword Talisman and Axe Talisman are recommended for boosting damage, while the Magic Scorpion Charm enhances magic damage. The last talisman slot can be tailored to personal preference or specific encounters.

Great Rune and Playstyle:

The Rons Great Rune is recommended for its overall benefits to health, FP, and stamina. However, players can also consider using the Godric’s Great Rune if it aligns better with their playstyle.

The build is versatile and effective against both early game and late game enemies. It excels in dealing high melee damage and provides options for spellcasting and block counters. Players can adjust their playstyle and equipment based on personal preference and the requirements of different encounters.