Fangs for Nothing: The Curious Case of the Missing Dracula Skin in Fortnite

Exploring Fortnite fans' plea for a proper Dracula skin and the interesting responses from the user community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Fortnite, fans proudly don their favorite skins, eagerly anticipating each new release. A recent plea has circled the web: ‘Epic, why isn’t there a proper Dracula skin yet?’. What sounds like an apt suggestion from user LegoPenguin114 drew a myriad of interesting responses. This article takes a deep dive into this engaging vampire dialogue within the Fortnite user community.


  • There’s a strong call for a Dracula skin, indicating fans’ keen interest in skins and their potential influence on gameplay and user engagement.
  • A blend of responses reflect insight into Epic’s design choices and speculation on future collaborations.
  • Hints of fans’ desires for more classic character skins, suggesting a potential market for Epic to explore.

Fan Theories and Epic’s Design Choices

Firstly, let’s delve into the responses that offer an insight into Epic’s design choices. As user RexGoliath75 points out, ‘EPIC seems to prefer their own version of Vampires instead.’. Similarly, user PalekSow mentions that ‘Montague kind of looks like your stereotypical modern vampire costume’, adding more fuel to this theory.

The Wait Game

Another view point comes from user LingLings who thinks that Epic could be holding out for a potential movie tie-in collaboration for such a well-known character. This could be a wise move considering Fortnite’s prior successful collaborations with major franchises.

A Closer Look At Existing Skins

Finally, other users like Rose_Ember, RaptorDoingADance, and iaonexc have pointed out some existing skins such as Countess Daraku and Kado Thorne. While these skins may have certain vampiric or Dracula-esque elements, they seem to agree that none of them are a ‘proper’ Dracula skin.

Overall, the Fortnite community conversation surrounding the prospect of a Dracula skin unveils intriguing insights into what fans appreciate most in skin designs. It shows how users continue to be engaged with Fortnite, influencing not just the actual gameplay but also the ongoing development of its universe. To see a beloved public figure like Dracula make his avatar debut in Fortnite would indeed be a sight to behold. Until then, we can only wait and see if Epic will give ‘fangs for the memories’ or leave Dracula ‘in the cold’.