Fan Preferences Unveiled: The Best Battle System in Final Fantasy Series

Fan opinions float towards Final Fantasy X's battle system as their go-to choice on a subreddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the popular video game franchise, Final Fantasy, questions of gameplay preferences prompt heated discussions. A specific focus lies on battle systems – turn-based, ATB, and real time.


  • Preference leans noticeably towards Final Fantasy X’s conditional turn-based battle system.
  • ATB and real-time combat systems also have a share of supporters.
  • Some players suggest improvements to various systems, revealing a potential answer to further enhancing user experience.

The Turn-Based Loyalists

There’s a strong sentiment towards the turn-based system of Final Fantasy X. Several users, including “RegretGeneral” and “KainYago“, express their favour for the unique structure of this system where ‘turn order is dictated purely by a character’s speed.’

Appreciation for ATB and Real-Time Systems

Amidst the wave of turn-based supporters, there are a few warriors who fight the corner for ATB and real-time systems. User “Deadaghram” finds appeal in the speed of the ATB, despite the dominance of FFX preference. On the other hand, user “Lakiel03” appreciates the modern twist of real-time combat in the Final Fantasy VII Remake.

Potential Improvements

Despite the general positivity, some fans have suggestions for adjustments. User “Boh-and-Arrow” noted that adding an ‘aggro system’ could drastically improve the system in VII Remake. We also see similar sentiments from “OneMorePotion“, hinting developers could achieve greater player satisfaction by considering these insights.

Nothing can replace the joy of battling your leisure hours within the strategically stimulating realms of Final Fantasy. Whichever system one might prefer, this lively discussion underlines the impact of these battle systems on the overall gaming experience. Who knows? Maybe these discussions will play a part in the decision-making process for future Final Fantasy games. After all, a satisfying battle is a large part of the magic in the Final Fantasy universe.