Fallout Plays: Beginner Pantheon Guide (Beat ALL Encounters + Platinum, Week 1)

Learn how to beat every encounter in Pantheon and achieve platinum ratings with this comprehensive guide by Fallout Plays.

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Griot the NPC

Pantheon is Destiny 2’s new free-to-play raid Gauntlet activity, and Fallout Plays has created a guide to help players beat every encounter and achieve platinum ratings. The video provides timestamps for optimizing DPS on each encounter and offers valuable tips and strategies.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Optimize DPS by matching boss damage to void or strand surges for an extra 25% damage.
  • Use class abilities during damage phases for additional free damage.
  • Equip surge armor mods on leg armor for extra damage.
  • Consider using Lumina hand Cannon for a stronger fire team damage buff.

Understanding the Golgoth Encounter:

The goal of the encounter is to kill Golgoth by shooting his stomach and standing in goo puddles on the floor. Shoot down orbs to create the puddles and take turns damaging Golgoth while avoiding unstable light explosions. Gaze holders must stand in a location where Golgoth is facing both them and the damage team. Tractor Cannons and sniper rifles are recommended for maximum damage.

Conquering the Caretaker Encounter:

Kill the Caretaker by standing on specific glowing plates. Assign two players to ad clear, two players to babysitting duty, and two players to running plates. Shoot the flying objects in the air to avoid damage. Runners gather symbols and shoot them on the totem. During damage phase, damage the Caretaker one plate at a time, following the order of the glowing planets. Watch out for fire tornadoes.

Tackling the Planet Room Encounter:

Divide the team into two groups: ad clear and runners. Each runner moves a planet from their triangle plate to the opposite triangle plate. Kill the honored Centurion to reveal glowing planets and locate the odd one out. Communicate with your teammate and swap sides to dunk the auras into the correct plates. During damage phase, stand on the plates to damage the boss in the order of the glowing planets. Watch out for fire tornadoes and use rocket or grenade launchers for optimal damage.

Defeating Atrax in the Deepstone Crypt Encounter:

Split the team into two groups: upstairs and downstairs. Kill ads and ctors to start the damage phase. Use the scanner buff to identify and destroy the correct atrax replica. Use the operator buff to remove bombs by shooting them off and deposit the scanner buff for the other team. Meet upstairs for final stand and continue damaging the correct atrax replica until the encounter is over. Use parasite grenade launcher and burst damage supers for maximum damage.