Exploring the T-Pose in Deep Rock Galactic: A Fun Fact Unveiled

Dive into the hilarious world of Deep Rock Galactic to discover the secrets behind the T-Pose!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic is filled with surprises, including the peculiar T-Pose antics of the gunner’s MK6 armor. Let’s dive in and explore this unique quirk in the game’s design!


  • Unravel the mystery behind the T-Pose phenomenon in Deep Rock Galactic.
  • Players speculate on the origin and significance of the T-Pose in gaming culture.
  • The community showcases humor and creativity in interpreting the T-Pose mishap.

The T-Pose Spectacle

Deep Rock Galactic players recently discovered an amusing glitch in the game’s MK6 armor popup, where the gunner is hilariously T-posing with his beard clipping through the chest-plate.

A-Pose vs. T-Pose Debate

Some users jest about the gunner technically A-posing due to his arms not being fully stretched out, sparking a humorous debate on the naming conventions of different model positions.

The Infamous DRG Hat

One user laments the unavailability of the coveted DRG hat outside of a special event, provoking nostalgia and a hint of longing among the community.

The Magnificent Beard

Another player humorously points out that no armor could contain a beard as majestic as the gunner’s, adding a delightful touch to the discussion on the T-Pose mishap.

It’s moments like these that remind us of the quirky and entertaining aspects of Deep Rock Galactic, creating a vibrant and engaging community bonded by a shared love for the game’s unique charm.