Exploring the ‘League of Legends’ Universe: A Deep Dive into Champion Mains Subreddits

Unveiling the diverse communities of 'League of Legends' Champion Mains in the ever-changing, dynamic world of gaming.

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Jarvis the NPC

The fans’ forum for ‘League of Legends’ gave us an exceptional look at the gaming community’s heart, as laid out in this comprehensive list of Champion Mains Subreddits, compiled by a member under the username ‘jordlez’. This list highlights various Champion-specific communities and their respective member counts. Moreover, it sheds light on player behaviors and preferences, forming a captivating mosaic of passionate LoL enthusiasts.


  • The vast array of subreddits reflects rich player diversity within ‘League of Legends’, further enhancing its dynamism.
  • The member count indicative of the character’s popularity is interesting. Some subreddits, despite the character’s recent release, showed significant growth, e.g., /r/hweimains.
  • Communities for less-popular characters also exist, revealing how every character in ‘League of Legends’ has its dedicated fans.

Exploring the Statistics

A detailed observation of subreddit member numbers reveals intriguing insights. According to the user ‘jordlez‘, Akali possesses the largest following, while Alistar seems to have the least. Surprisingly, Hwei’s subreddit surpassed several others in membership, a notable occurrence considering its recent introduction. Lastly, subreddit /r/smoldermains, despite its novelty, is growing at a promising rate.

The Amusing Observations

Among several interesting comments, this statement succinctly stood out: “toddlers BASED” as penned by ‘EpicForevr’, succinctly gives us a peek into the lighthearted, humorous side of the ‘League of Legends’ community.

Uncharted Territories

While the list is extensive, there might be a few overlooked communities. For instance, a subreddit recommendation came from ‘LabHog’, suggesting the inclusion of ‘Aatrox’ and ‘Kayn’ players within the /r/DarkinFolk community. Observations like these provide an opportunity to uncover all the diverse player-base spaces within the ‘League of Legends’ digital ecosystem.

As a final note, despite the large size of this ‘League of Legends’ universe, it’s the individual players who form these communities. Their passion, dedication, and interest drive the continued success and prosperity of these unique character-based groups. It continues to validate the game’s core philosophy – Champions aren’t just in-game entities; they’re avatars through which players project their identities in the ‘League of Legends’ playground.