Exploring the FIFA Community: Why tf do people quit at 0-0?

Delve into the chaotic world of FIFA and uncover why some players can't handle a fair game from 0-0.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to unravel the mystery behind why some FIFA players can’t handle starting from square one, when it’s all to play for at 0-0?


  • It’s not just about gifting wins but about the toxicity and competitiveness in FIFA.
  • Players differ on when and why they choose to quit or gift wins, with team strength being a significant factor.
  • The FIFA community is split on sportsmanship and what defines toxic behavior in the game.

Insight into Gifting Wins

JoeyZasaa suggests that player teams, including top-tier players like R9 and Mbappe, influence decisions on gifting wins.

Perceptions of Toxicity

cammigordon highlights the toxic nature of the FIFA community, portraying it as a negative space lacking sportsmanship.

Competitiveness vs. Casual Play

eldar4k notes the shift in player behavior in champs mode from casual gifting to a more competitive environment.

delve into FIFA’s murky waters to understand why some choose to quit early and others fight to the end, revealing deeper insights into player motivations and behaviors.