Exploring the Fastest Match in League of Legends – A Reddit Discussion

Discover Reddit's reactions to the fastest match in League of Legends history! Dive into the drama and chaos as players analyze the gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever experienced the adrenaline rush of the fastest match in League of Legends history? Well, one Reddit user, Venomyami, shared their incredible story of a match that left the community in awe and disbelief.


  • Lee Sin’s risky plays led to a split reaction from Reddit users.
  • Players commented on the common behavior and mindset of certain champion mains.
  • Some viewers found the match entertaining, while others criticized the gameplay strategy.

Contemplating Lee Sin’s Moves

Reddit user LongynusZ pointed out Lee Sin’s ambitious plays, often resulting in self-outplays. Lee’s Lv3 gank potential ignited the early chaos in the game, leading to both amusement and frustration among players.

The Mindset of Lee Sin Players

Ostracized11 expressed their belief that the Lee player received a fitting outcome for their actions, hinting at possible consequences stemming from risky decisions in-game.

Community Reflections

AdhesivenessOver268 shed light on the competitive nature of certain players, showcasing a drive to prove superiority even in challenging situations, reflecting the intense emotions that arise in high-stakes matches.