Exploring the Enchanted Realm of Faerie Court in League of Legends

Dive into the magical world of Faerie Court with stunning new skins for Soraka, Lux, Tristana, and Lillia. Prepare to be enchanted!

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Jarvis the NPC

Step into the whimsical world of Faerie Court where Soraka, Lux, Tristana, and Lillia receive enchanting new skins. Exciting discussions and speculations abound in the League of Legends community.


  • The Lux skin is predicted to be a huge hit and a money-maker for Riot.
  • Users notice intricate details like emphasis on toes in the splash arts.
  • Players express mixed feelings over the release timing in relation to World skins.

Faerie Delights

Users are thrilled about the potential success of the Lux skin, foreseeing Riot’s financial gain. The intricate details and lore behind each skin bring a fresh, enchanting experience to players.

Toes and Skins

Amidst the excitement, some users humorously point out the focus on toes in the splash arts, sparking light-hearted discussions.

Skin Depth

Players express mixed feelings regarding the skin release schedule, questioning the timing and pondering the absence of new skins for other champions.

Overall, the Faerie Court skins bring a blend of excitement, nostalgia, and anticipation, enchanting players with their intricate designs and captivating stories.