Exploring the Buzz Around Hero Augments in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Should there be more hero augments for low-level units in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)? The community debates!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) enthusiasts are buzzing about the potential addition of more hero augments, especially for low-level units. Reddit user StudentofArceus sparked a lively discussion about the idea of introducing new hero augments tailored for 1 and 2-star units with the aim of making them more viable reroll carries.


  • Players desire greater diversity in hero augments to enhance gameplay strategies
  • Some argue for specific hero augments for popular champions like Aatrox
  • The community is divided on whether hero augments should be expanded to low-level units

Moshkown’s Passion for Hero Augments

“I just miss Set 8, I loved the hero augments, and I will pick any hero augment always no matter my position! The only Hero Augment I’m really missing this set is an Aatrox hero aug. He seems perfect for it, would be an awesome carry,” expressed Moshkown.

Variegoated’s Desire for Aatrox Augment

Variegoated humorously remarked, “I don’t think so, but then again, I would kill for an Aatrox hero augment!”

Massive-Cattle-4387’s Concerns

“Hero augments are specifically used to change a tank into a carry, as they found that carry > better carry was too binary…even if they restricted it to just tanks, and they need to be made with the augment in mind regardless,” highlighted Massive-Cattle-4387.

Varrag-Unhilgt’s Gameplay Experience

Sharing their gameplay experience, Varrag-Unhilgt said, “While these augments are cool, I always get the impression that I’m straight up trolling when picking them. I mean, those are really fun and strong in the mid-game but then fall off brutally and get rekt by any meta comp.”

The Team Fight Tactics (TFT) community is ignited with fervor discussing the potential expansion of hero augments. From passionate desires for Aatrox hero augments to concerns about game balance, the conversation showcases the diverse viewpoints within the player base, creating a vibrant dialogue around the future of hero augments in TFT.

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