Exploring the Beauty of Genshin Impact’s Nostoi Region and Sea of Bygone Eras

Dive into the stunning landscapes of Genshin Impact's new regions as players share their awe and concerns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact’s Nostoi Region and Sea of Bygone Eras have captured the attention of players with their breathtaking scenery and new challenges. The latest update introduces players to the kingdom of “Remuria,” adding depth to the game’s lore and exploration.


  • Players marvel at the visual beauty and immersive music of the new regions
  • Some express desires for larger exploration areas and fears of content becoming repetitive
  • Positive feedback on quest design, with appreciation for post-quest environmental changes

Excitement Over Visuals

Many players praised the stunning visuals and intricate design of the Nostoi Region and Sea of Bygone Eras. User ‘this_is_no_gAM3’ emphasized the insane quality of music in the areas, enhancing the immersive experience

Concerns Over Exploration

‘Meqreq’ raised concerns over the short exploration time, expressing disappointment at how quickly they completed the region. ‘watanabeta’ wished for larger areas akin to Chasm and Enkanomiya for more extended exploration

Quest Design Appreciation

Users like ‘genshinimpact’ appreciated the new quest content, teasing formidable foes and unraveling stories in the kingdom of Remuria. ‘horiami’ enjoyed the environmental changes post-quest, enhancing the player’s sense of accomplishment

‘kleanthis_’ discussed the potential lack of replay value due to the absence of a recurring boss, impacting revisitation compared to other regions