Exploring Player Feedback on Autos and Movement in Smite: Should Changes Be Made for Smite 2?

Discover what Smite players think about movement speed and auto-attacks in the game and whether they should change for Smite 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Smite, players have been buzzing about movement and auto-attacks. Recently, a Reddit user, Patient_Hospital2849, brought up some interesting points that have sparked a heated discussion among Smite enthusiasts. Let’s delve into the heart of the matter and see what the community has to say.


  • Players question the mechanics of walking sideways or backwards being slower and auto-attacks being body-blocked in Smite.
  • The community expresses concerns about the impact of potential changes for Smite 2, with varying viewpoints on the topic.
  • Feedback reflects a mix of nostalgia for past game versions and a desire for evolution and improvement.

Players’ Perspectives

Removing either movement penalties or auto-blocks in Smite 2 is a hotly debated topic among players. Some argue that these mechanics are essential for game balance and strategic gameplay.

Concerns and Controversies

Several players voiced opposition to altering core mechanics, citing past metas and game strategies that could be affected by such changes. They believe that maintaining the status quo is crucial for preserving Smite’s unique gameplay experience.

Game Design Insights

Delving deeper, some users highlighted the importance of balance in competitive games like Smite, emphasizing how core mechanics shape player interactions and strategic choices. The intricate dance between risk and reward in Smite’s gameplay emerges from these fundamental mechanics.

While some call for updates to enhance gameplay, others advocate for retaining the game’s current mechanics to uphold its distinct identity. The debate swings between nostalgia for the past and a quest for innovation as players contemplate the future of Smite.

In the vibrant realm of Smite discussions, opinions clash, ideas converge, and the community continues to steer the course of the game’s evolution. Whether Smite 2 will address these concerns remains to be seen, but one thing is certain – the passionate voices of Smite players will continue to echo throughout the Pantheon.