Exploring Deep Rock Galactic: Why the Cigar Debate Ignites Passion in the Community

Unraveling the cigar conundrum in Deep Rock Galactic sparks intense discussions among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are buzzing with speculation over the absence of a cigar vanity item in the game. Could age ratings be to blame?


  • Age ratings and ethical concerns are cited as reasons behind the lack of a cigar vanity item.
  • Players suggest creative alternatives like a bullet casing for Gunner or a toggleable cosmetic feature.
  • The community debates the practicality of implementing a new cosmetic slot for a cigar item.

The Age Rating Dilemma

Users speculate that the absence of a cigar in Deep Rock Galactic stems from concerns about age ratings and promoting tobacco use in games.

Creative Alternatives

Some players propose imaginative solutions, such as replacing the cigar with a bullet casing or making it a toggleable feature.

Implementing a New Cosmetic Slot

Discussions revolve around the technical challenges of adding a new mouth slot for a cigar item and its impact on player customization.

Deep Rock Galactic fans are deeply engaged in dissecting the complexities of the cigar debate within the game. The community showcases a blend of passion, creativity, and critical thinking as they explore the implications of this seemingly minor cosmetic item. Whether it’s about age ratings, ethical considerations, or game design limitations, the discussions surrounding the cigar in Deep Rock Galactic showcase the depth of player investment in even the smallest details of their favorite games.