Exciting News: Jensen’s Return to Dignitas Rocks the League of Legends Community!

Jensen's comeback to Dignitas has the League of Legends community buzzing with excitement and speculation!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exciting news hit the League of Legends subreddit recently, causing a stir among fans. Sources revealed that Jensen is making a comeback to Dignitas in the LCS, sparking a mix of reactions from anticipation to skepticism.


  • Fans are excited about Jensen’s return, hoping for an epic showdown with Flyquest.
  • Some are skeptical, finding the situation amusing and questioning the team’s decision.
  • Expectations are high for Dignitas to perform well with their revamped roster.

Anticipation and Skepticism

Many users expressed excitement about Jensen’s return, anticipating a potential clash with Flyquest. One user quipped, ‘Jensen to prevent Fly from going to worlds arc is a go,’ highlighting the competitive tension between the two teams.

Controversy and Speculation

Conversely, some users found the situation amusing and questioned Dignitas’ motives. One user humorously remarked, ‘lmao can’t believe they are actually doing this,’ reflecting a sense of disbelief mixed with amusement.

High Expectations for Dignitas

With the revamped roster featuring Licorice, Spica, Jensen, Zven, and Isles, fans are optimistic about Dignitas’ potential. One user commented, ‘May realistically push for a Worlds spot. Let’s get it lads, hyyyyyyyype,’ showcasing high hopes for the team’s performance.

The community’s reactions to Jensen’s return to Dignitas range from excitement to skepticism, setting the stage for an intriguing season in the LCS. With fans eagerly awaiting the showdown between Dignitas and Flyquest, the competitive spirit in the League of Legends community is at an all-time high.