Exciting League of Legends PBE Datamine: Patch 14.10 Changes Analysis

Discover the latest PBE datamine findings for League of Legends Patch 14.10. Which changes will shake up the meta?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, every patch brings excitement and anticipation for new changes and strategies. The recent PBE datamine for Patch 14.10 has stirred up discussions in the community, with players eager to dissect the implications of these upcoming adjustments.


  • The changes revealed in the PBE datamine hint at significant shifts in gameplay for champions like Corki, Skarner, Viego, and items such as Zephyr.
  • Players are particularly intrigued by the return of lane Viego and the adjustments to his sustain from minions, sparking mixed opinions on the future of this playstyle.
  • The alterations to items like Abyssal Mask, Kraken Slayer, and Zephyr have also caught the attention of the community, prompting discussions on potential meta shifts and strategic adaptations.

Excitement Over Lane Viego

The resurgence of lane Viego has sparked diverse reactions among players. Some express joy at his return, reminiscing about the enjoyable gameplay experiences associated with this champion:

> “Hell yes, lane Viego is back, I’ve missed you” – Xajj

On the other hand, concerns about Viego’s sustain from minions creating frustrating gameplay experiences have also surfaced:

> “Because lane Viego with infinite sustain was really fun to play against before.” – Beginning_Actuator57

Players like Praise_the_Tsun voice their reservations about sustain mechanics on champions like Viego, citing past negative experiences against similar champions like Irelia and Warwick. The debate on balancing sustain and mechanics continues within the community.

Zephyr’s Transformation

The reworking of Zephyr’s passive abilities has intrigued many players. Suggestions for further adjustments and humoristic comments are prevalent:

> “Just give Zephyr 500 MS at this point lol” – Huzzl3

Players speculate on the potential impact of Zephyr’s revised passive in matches and jest about extreme speed buffs for the item.

The diversity of opinions and reactions within the League of Legends community highlights the dynamic nature of the game and the passionate engagement of its player base with each new update.