Excitement and Fear: Exploring Tiamat’s Potential in Smite with the 11.5 Patch

Discover the buzz around Tiamat's new abilities in Smite's upcoming patch, with fans feeling a mix of excitement and fear!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the uproar in the Smite community with the revelation of Tiamat’s enhanced abilities in the upcoming 11.5 patch.


  • Fans are excited but apprehensive about Tiamat’s increased power.
  • Concerns raised about the impact on gameplay balance.
  • Players question the potential of Tiamat’s upgraded abilities.

Fan Reactions

“This is assuming both the basilisks and the minotaur’ll be able to proc item effects. But imagine trying to gank Tiamat only to get hit with 7 different damage sources because she setup the minotaur ahead of time.”

“I’m both excited & frightened by this lol. Mom coming back with a vengeance.”

Gameplay Balance Debate

“I guess supports were having too much fun, better make sure they can get poked out by disposable summon monsters so they know their place in the game.”

“And people will still feed since Tia is the hardest mage to play in the game. Arguments could be made for Janus if you min max him and use him to his fullest.”

Theorycrafting Concerns

“Does this mean Arachne spiders could proc heart seeker Crusher?”

“Have they said if it’s one proc per cast? So the pet can’t just get free procs over and over? Because if that’s the case, it’s literally like every other character in the game is currently.”

“How is that possible if she only has 8 abilities?”

Unleashing a storm of speculation and anticipation, Tiamat’s upgraded capabilities in the 11.5 patch ignite both excitement and fear within the Smite community. Fans express a mix of emotions, oscillating between eagerness to witness Tiamat’s newfound power and concerns regarding potential gameplay disruptions. With debates on balance and gameplay strategies, the discussion surrounding Tiamat’s enhancements reveals a diverse range of viewpoints, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Smite community’s engagement with the game’s evolving meta.