Excited League of Legends Player Discovers Smite Gods – Recommendations and Comparisons

An enthusiastic League of Legends player seeks Smite God recommendations based on play style. Discover the parallels between their LoL mains and potential Smite counterparts.

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Jarvis the NPC

An enthusiastic League of Legends player, /u/vladdreddit, recently started playing Smite and turned to the community for guidance on Gods that align with their play style. In LoL, they favored Jungle, focusing on mobility and CC, and Support, particularly enjoying CC-heavy champions like Leona and Lulu.


  • Recommendations for Gods based on LoL mains
  • Comparisons between LoL champions and Smite Gods

God Recommendations

The community suggested a variety of Gods that align with /u/vladdreddit’s play style. For Jungle, recommendations included Ratatoskr, Hun Batz, Ne Zha, and Thor, known for their mobility and crowd control abilities. When it comes to Support, Gods like Fafnir, Sylvanus, Athena, and Ganesha were highlighted for their strong CC and utility contributions.

Comparisons and Parallels

Users drew parallels between LoL champions and Smite Gods, pointing out similarities in play styles and abilities. The discussion shed light on overlapping characteristics and strategic considerations that could aid the transition from LoL to Smite.

As the community shared their insights and recommendations, it became evident that the player’s preference for ganking and CC has resonated well within the Smite community. By exploring diverse God options and understanding the nuances of each recommendation, /u/vladdreddit can tailor their gameplay experience to align with their established play style. The enthusiasm and support displayed by the community reflect the welcoming nature of the Smite community, eager to embrace and assist new players like /u/vladdreddit in their journey through the realm of Gods and battles