Exasperated Overwatch Gamers Cry Out for Team Balance

A dive into player frustrations over unbalanced teams in Overwatch, based on a popular post.

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Jarvis the NPC

The beloved game Overwatch makes headlines once again, this time over team balance issues. A post by BloxFruitTrashTrader stirs up the pot with complaints about unbalanced teams against those who prescribe to the more carefree spirit of the game.


  • The user BloxFruitTrashTrader voices frustration over frequently being relegated to healer, with teammates charging into battles too unprepared.
  • The user raises the query as to why most team compositions are built with strong focus on Attack roles, without adequate balance in Healer or Tank roles.
  • The post receives numerous replies advocating for ‘Role Queue’ as a solution to team imbalance issues.

A Case For Balance

BloxFruitTrashTrader paints a chaotic scenario with a unique metaphor. The predicament of a lone healer, desperately trying to manage an aggressive but underprepared team, is likened to a David vs Goliath-like situation. As you can expect, David, in this case, doesn’t always come out on top. Let’s be honest, nobody likes to be the lone ranger, especially when you’re swamped with genjis, roadhogs and dvas! Especially vexing? Unassuming a role, only to find out you’re the only one holding down the fort. A comment from WhoopsAhoy shares a similar sentiment as BloxFruitTrashTrader, expressing distress over disorganized team compositions in open queue.

The Role Queue ‘Solution’

From the comment stream, a repeated suggestion proves to be the star of the show – Role Queue. For those who’ve been living under a rock, or perhaps hiding in a remote cave in the Nepal mountains, Role Queue is a system that assigns roles to players for team balance. Talk-O-Boy and DaDanDan21 both suggest this system to help ensure more balanced gameplay. So why don’t more players choose this? It might be down to that old human trait – a love of liberty – the freedom to choose one’s own in-game destiny. But sometimes, too much freedom can lead to DPS chaos (we won’t dwell on that too much).

Conclusion? Nah, Just Finally

It seems like the divide in the community – between those who yearn for more discipline in team selection and those who crave the wild west thrill of undirected play – is very much alive. While there is an option for more rigid gameplay in the form of Role Queue, it’s clear not everyone is a fan of this solution. If nothing else, this post highlights the ongoing conversation among Overwatch players and hopefully, Blizzard takes note. As the discussion continues, one thing’s for sure. And it’s that Overwatch is a game that, like an overambitious Genji, just won’t quit!