Evaluated: The Plague of Cheating In PUBG

An examination of an escalating cheat crisis plaguing PUBG, based on current player experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

User ‘l0sts0ul2022’ highlights rising concern in PUBG’s playerbase with the frequency of cheaters in the game, marking an alarming increase in bans.


  • Increasing dissatisfaction and frustration among players due to rampant cheating.
  • Dev’s perceived indifference to anti-cheat measures as a bone of contention.
  • Player anxiety affects both individuals and content creators.

Gameplay Struggles

‘EUPremier’ asks for tips to spot cheaters while ‘plan911frommars’ and No-Fudge1894 voice frustration over unfair deaths in skirmishes. This suggests growing paranoia potentially ruining the fun of the game.

Developer Apathy?

'iceychillz' discusses the lack of preventative banning measures, implying that the developers are not prioritizing this issue. This, consequently, could reflect poorly on the game’s reputation.

The Impact on Content Creation

Content creator ‘Salt-Run-7174’ notes the difficulty in creating exciting content when each game is dominated by cheaters. The joy of winning is diluted, potentially harming PUBG’s popularity among streamers and viewers alike.

Despite the growing concerns, ‘thelostlightswitch’ acknowledges ‘l0sts0ul2022’ with a nod of appreciation, showing a continued sense of community among players. However, if changes are not made swiftly, PUBG may soon be fighting a battle of attrition within their player base.