Eric Rosen: Playing the Alien Gambit on the NEW ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board

Eric Rosen plays a thrilling game using the Alien Gambit on the ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board. Watch the exciting match here!

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Griot the NPC

Welcome to a unique video by Eric Rosen, where he showcases the new ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board. This prototype features built-in Wi-Fi and a touch screen, offering exciting new options for players. In this video, Eric engages in an over-the-board game against an online opponent using the board’s innovative features. Watch the intense match unfold in the video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Eric Rosen showcases the new ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board, a prototype with built-in Wi-Fi and a touch screen.
  • He plays an over-the-board game against an online opponent, demonstrating the board’s features.
  • Eric employs the Alien Gambit opening, sacrificing a knight for an aggressive attack on the opponent’s king.
  • Despite being down material, Eric maintains the initiative and puts pressure on his opponent, leading to a quick victory.

The ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board: A New Era of Chess

In this video, Eric Rosen introduces viewers to the ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board, a remarkable prototype that revolutionizes chess gameplay. With built-in Wi-Fi and a touch screen, the ChessUp 2 offers a host of new features and options for players.

Eric demonstrates the board’s seamless integration with, allowing players to easily connect and engage in games. The touch screen interface provides a user-friendly experience, and the built-in Wi-Fi enables convenient online play.

One standout feature of the ChessUp 2 is its ability to highlight legal moves when a piece is touched, making it an excellent training tool for beginners. This visual aid helps players understand the movement of each piece and enhances their overall chess skills.

The Alien Gambit: A Bold Opening Choice

Eric Rosen decides to spice up his over-the-board game by employing the Alien Gambit, a daring opening known for its aggressive nature. By sacrificing a knight for a pawn, Eric aims to launch a coordinated attack on his opponent’s king.

Throughout the game, Eric showcases the surprise value of the Alien Gambit, catching his opponent off guard and forcing them to spend valuable time considering their moves. Despite the opening’s unsound nature, Eric manages to seize the initiative and put pressure on his opponent.

An Exciting Finish and Final Thoughts

As the game progresses, Eric’s aggressive play pays off, and his opponent finds themselves in a precarious position. With the threat of a devastating checkmate looming, Eric’s opponent resigns, recognizing the futility of their defense.

In conclusion, Eric Rosen’s demonstration of the new ChessUp 2 Smart Chess Board and his thrilling game using the Alien Gambit highlights the excitement and innovation that this board brings to the world of chess. Whether you’re a beginner looking to improve your skills or an experienced player seeking a new way to enjoy the game, the ChessUp 2 offers a unique and immersive chess experience.