Epic Win in Genshin Impact: First-Ever 36 Star Achievement after Two-Plus Years of Gameplay

Delving into a 36-star achievement in Genshin Impact that took over two years to reach.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the realm of Genshin Impact, a gamer known as N3koChan21 shares their triumphant moment of achieving a 36-star rating after two plus years of relentless gameplay. The climactic last second success story ripples through the gaming community, triggering waves of reactions.


  • N3koChan21 reached the elusive 36-star rating after more than two years – a testament to their patience and determination.
  • There were initial stumbles with some initial unsuccessful runs, but they improved over time, demonstrating growth in their gameplay.
  • Overwhelmed by their accomplishment, they questioned their success in a humorous underplaying of this monumental achievement.

A Flurry of Reactions

Excited comments pour in from the gaming community. Players like AppropriatePianist69 express their congratulations and are sparked with curiosity, asking about N3koChan21’s team composition. Others like TiangoTaru simply blast a congratulations to N3koChan21, echoing the positive sentiments of the gamer community.

Perseverance or Stagnation?

The amount of time taken to achieve this accomplishment spurs a debate amongst gamers. While accomplishing the 36-star rating is a significant milestone, gamers like Moguri-1 question the extended timeline by comparing it to their own experience. This opens the question of whether the win celebrates extreme perseverance or reflects a stagnant learning curve.

Pro Casual or Hiatus?

Murmurs of curiosity pop up about N3koChan21’s play style. A comment from NOTHINGHARMLESS probes whether this gamer might be a casual player or perhaps had taken a gameplay pause.

Amidst the whirlwind of reactions, N3koChan21’s story stands out as a journey of perseverance and triumph in the face of adversity. Laced with sporadic humor and a generous sprinkle of camaraderie, it highlights the beauty of the Genshin Impact gaming community. The blend of shared excitement, curiosity, and subtle debates create a stimulating environment that speaks to the broader experience of gaming, endorsing not just success but also the journey.