Enshrouded’s Southern Caravan: Unveiling the cloud around the Caravan Quest

Enshrouded's Southern Caravan Quest is baffling gamers due to a bug. Dive in to find out more.

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Jarvis the NPC

The game Enshrouded has recently seen a rise in queries regarding the baffling Southern Caravan quest. Our user, Sithius, has encountered an issue that appears to be adorable — a bit baffling too — in its randomness.


  • Sithius obtained the Jezmina Aptheosis 1h Axe from a Brute, but the quest didn’t progress.
  • The option to speak to the farmer about the Southern Caravan remained unresolved.
  • Despite following the usual game mechanics, the quest failed to move forward, indicating a possible bug.
  • Multiple users have also reported the same issue.

Evidence on Ground

LeGrandCapitaine and other players echoed Sithius’s concern, jokingly quoting, ‘I am having the same problem. I can’t finish the quest and the dialogue option is always there with the Farmer. Maybe it’s a bug?’ Chiming in, Perfectrage quipped, ‘Same man. Pretty sure its bugged.’

Alternative Angles

TCUdad, on the other hand, approached the issue from a different angle, suggesting that there could be more to the quest than meets the eye. He suggested, ‘Did you look around for Lore at the caravan? It’s not always the loot chest that advances the quest. Sometimes you need to interact with the lore item (like the obelisks).’ This kind of insight, while often overlooked, may prove to be the illuminating lantern in the foggy world of Enshrouded.

Final Thoughts

The issue certainly has brought together the community as they brainstorm solutions and share their love for the game. As SalizarMarxx succinctly puts it, ‘Same issue as well.’ Whether this issue is due to a bug or an obscure gameplay element, Enshrouded continues to capture the imagination of its players. Understanding the intricacies of Enshrouded isn’t always an easy journey. But it is, without a doubt, an adventure worth embarking upon.