Enshrouded: The Latest Update Surprises Players with Pregnancy Feature

How do players react to pregnancy being added in the latest Enshrouded update? Let's dive into the community feedback!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players were taken by surprise with the introduction of the pregnancy feature in the latest update. The community’s response was a mix of shock, humor, and some unexpected insights.


  • Players express surprise and amusement at the unexpected addition of pregnancy.
  • Some players jokingly comment on the origins of new town NPCs.
  • Requests for additional features such as a disable Bloom setting are raised.
  • A humorous incident involving a fashion show gone wrong adds to the community discussion.

Player Reactions

Pr0xima__ reflected on the long-term implications, “more builders in the long run.” Paul_Cinnabunyan pointed out, “Pregnancy has been around since the beginning.” Rin_Omoiyari humorously questioned, “Where did you think the new town NPCs were gonna come from?”

Feature Requests

Lowgarr expressed disappointment, “Still no disable Bloom setting?” Meanwhile, indigo196 shared a mishap, “Fashion show gone wrong.” CLRoads added a touch of dark humor with, “‘Always has been’🔫.”

Unexpected Discoveries

One_Explanation_3702 provided a surprising revelation, “Nah, we been getting knocked up since day 1. Mages are absolute sluts in Enshrouded.” This unexpected insight added a new layer to the community’s discussions.