Enshrouded: Deciphering The Mystery of Overlapping Flame Altars

Join us as we uncover the secrets behind overlapping flame altars in Enshrouded.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a world where flame altars reign supreme, Enshrouded players are pondering a peculiar conundrum. If two flame altars merge to form a larger area, do magic chests still function as intended? Let’s dive into the depths of this fiery dilemma.


  • Players question whether magic chests work in overlapping flame altars.
  • Maximum upgrade level may impact the effectiveness of magic chests.
  • Strategies like venn diagrams are suggested for optimal storage management.

Deciphering the Mystery

Enshrouded user, Tazmago, raises a crucial query about the functionality of magic chests in the realm of overlapping flame altars. The community is divided on whether magic chests operate within the entire merged area or solely in their original placement.

Insightful Exchanges

Responding to the dilemma, user SpookyLow speculates that magic chests might only interact with the individual flame altars they are located in, rather than across the combined expanse. This leads to a discussion on the intricacies of spatial allocation and resource management.

Upgrade Considerations

User unab chimes in with a pertinent question concerning the upgrade level of flame altars. Highlighting the importance of reaching Level 4 (160x160x160), they hint at a potential correlation between altar enhancements and chest functionalities.

Community Engagement

User Human_Wizard adds a touch of humor by stating their intention to revisit the thread later, showcasing the ongoing interest and engagement within the Enshrouded community.

As players continue to unravel the complexities of overlapping flame altars, the quest for optimal storage solutions persists. With each comment and conjecture, the flames of curiosity burn brighter, igniting a sense of camaraderie among Enshrouded adventurers.