Enshrouded Building Placement Advice: Tips and Tricks from the Reddit Community

Struggling with building placement in Enshrouded? Get insights from the community on how to conquer the challenges!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players have been grappling with the intricacies of building placement, seeking advice and sharing frustrations within the Reddit community. From the struggles of aligning pre-formed shapes to the perceived clumsiness of the camera controls, players are navigating through the highs and lows of construction in the game.


  • Utilize the Q button and mouse scroll wheel for precision placement.
  • Experiment with building from a distance for better control.
  • Patience and practice are key to mastering building techniques.

Easing the Building Burden

Players are exploring various strategies to enhance their building experience in Enshrouded. Some recommend using a combination of the Q button and mouse scroll wheel to adjust placement, particularly helpful when dealing with tricky roof pieces. This tactic allows for finer adjustments and can prevent errors in alignment.

Camera Woes and Clunky Controls

Concerns have been raised regarding the perceived changes in camera controls post-update. Some players find the current system clunkier and less intuitive than before. This sentiment extends to building, with players expressing frustration over the overall building experience. One player aptly described the camera controls as ‘trash,’ emphasizing the need for improvements in this aspect of the game.

The Trials of Building in Enshrouded

Building in Enshrouded has its challenges, with some players bluntly stating that the process can be ‘atrocious.’ Disabling snapping is a common workaround, albeit unconventional, while others find it easier to build from a distance rather than up close. Despite the frustrations, some players highlight the importance of perseverance and experimentation to overcome the hurdles of construction in the game.