Enshrouded: Building Cloud Hall in the World of Enshrouded – A Player’s Creation

Discover the wonders of Cloud Hall in Enshrouded through the eyes of players. Dive into the realm of creativity and inspiration in this in-depth analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded subreddit users dive deep into the creation of Cloud Hall, sharing tips, inspirations, and feedback. Let’s uncover the magic behind this player’s architectural feat!


  • Players appreciate the attention to detail and functionality in the Cloud Hall build.
  • Some users express slight disappointment in the mismatch between the build name and their initial expectations.
  • The use of various materials adds visual interest and creativity to the construction.

Building Inspiration

Users like ‘Nice_Homework1647’ credit other players for inspiring elements of Cloud Hall, showcasing a collaborative and supportive community.

Interior Design

‘Nice_Homework1647’ seeks feedback on the interior design, acknowledging the influence of ‘WiccanGoddessLAM’s innovative ideas from Valheim.

Community Reactions

‘originalhoodie’ admires the beauty of the build, reflecting the shared admiration within the community for player creativity.

Expectation vs. Reality

‘PsionStar’ shares a slightly different perspective, highlighting a mismatch between the build name ‘Cloud Hall’ and personal expectations, indicating varied interpretations among players.

Favorite Features

‘Borkbear’ praises the alchemist’s chamber, showcasing the diverse preferences and interests within the player base.