Enshrouded: Building a Slide in the Parcour Base

Discover the challenges of building a slide in your parcour base in Enshrouded and tips from fellow players!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Enshrouded, players are attempting to build a slide in their parcour base, but the challenge seems to be more about falling than sliding. The desire for a fun and functional feature has sparked discussions among the community.


  • Players struggle to build a slide due to limitations in available materials and terrain design.
  • Sliding mechanics in Enshrouded can lead to unexpected consequences, like fall damage.
  • Community seeks tips and tricks from experienced players to overcome slide-building challenges.

Building the Perfect Slide

In Enshrouded, the concept of building a slide for a parcour base sounds thrilling until players realize the technical difficulties involved. User ‘Snoo_82923’ expressed their frustration in trying to recreate the slide from the ‘revelwood iirc’ Dungeon. The standard ramps provided in the game are not steep enough, leading to a more free-fall experience than an actual slide. As player ‘Snoo_82923’ delved into the mechanics, they resorted to digging almost vertically, but it resulted in a fall rather than a slide.

‘lilibat’ chimed in with valuable insight, pointing out that the slides in Enshrouded are constructed from materials not readily available for player use. This limitation adds an extra layer of complexity to the building process, as players need to find alternative ways to achieve the desired slide structure.

The Pitfalls of Sliding

Another user, ‘Aggressive_Ad_8362,’ highlighted a critical issue with slides in Enshrouded—the mechanics treat sliding as falling, leading to potentially fatal consequences. Even on a relatively short 5-meter slide, players risk losing a substantial amount of health or dying upon reaching the end. This unexpected gameplay element adds an element of danger to what should be a fun and recreational activity.

As players grapple with the challenges of slide construction in Enshrouded, the community remains engaged in sharing advice and strategies to overcome these obstacles. From creative workarounds to insightful observations, the journey to building the perfect slide continues to evolve.