Enshrouded: A Kitchen Worth the Effort in This Beloved Game

Discover the heartwarming journey of creating a kitchen in the immersive world of Enshrouded.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded is a game where every little detail matters, even the placement of candles on walls.


  • Creating your first kitchen in Enshrouded is a labor of love, worth every second.
  • Players share their experiences and admiration for the game’s intricate design.
  • Technical limitations can sometimes hinder the full enjoyment of the game.

Delightful Details

Cheap-Molasses-2613 marvels at the impressive level of comfort achieved at level 71 in the kitchen setup.

Fitzwoppit appreciates the thoughtful layout and lighting choices made in the kitchen design.

Creative Critique

Charlxz expresses frustration over compatibility issues with the game running smoothly on specific hardware.

Shmeckey finds joy in the simple but effective decor choice of candles on the walls.

Love for the Craft

TARDISchaser311 shares the sentiment of many, simply stating, ‘That looks awesome!!!’

MarinaMalyn adds an international touch with a German compliment, ‘Schön gebaut 😊’.