Enshrouded: A Game that Pisses Off But Captivates Players

Vent your gaming frustrations and loves with Enshrouded, a game that keeps you on your toes!

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded is a game that elicits mixed emotions from players, as they grapple with the thrill and frustration it offers. TheBeefyCow shares their exasperation with skeleton lunges, swamp dudes, and fall damage in a Reddit post that resonates with many users.


  • Players find Enshrouded both infuriating and addictive, with challenging mechanics keeping them engaged.
  • The combat system receives mixed reviews, with some appreciating the difficulty while others find it frustrating and unpredictable.
  • Flying sections and environmental hazards add to the game’s intensity, leading to both satisfaction and exasperation among players.
  • Frustrations aside, many players appreciate the game’s balance between challenge and reward, making it a love-hate relationship for most.

Enraged by Gameplay

Kabammi expresses amusement at the wingsuit nosedive faceplant ninja roll, highlighting the quirky charm of Enshrouded despite its enraging moments. Euphoric_Care_2516 laments the disparity between effort and reward in defeating tough enemies, reflecting a common frustration among players.

Mind-Numbing Combat

Geeekaaay delves into the combat mechanics, pointing out the unique challenges Enshrouded presents with its combat system. The emphasis on anticipation and quick reactions adds a layer of complexity that polarizes players.

Trial and Error in Environment

17934658793495046509 discusses the unforgiving nature of fall damage, highlighting a common grievance shared by players. Nice_Homework1647 and hey_itsmagnus share their experiences with challenging environments, showcasing the game’s ability to test players’ patience.

A Love-Hate Relationship

Massive_Lavishness90 encapsulates the sentiment of many players, appreciating the game for its ability to evoke frustration while also providing a thrilling experience. Despite the setbacks, players find themselves drawn to the game’s unique blend of challenge and reward.