ECHO Gaming Diablo: Testing Frighteners Fortune Event – is it Worth it Diablo Immortal

ECHO Gaming Diablo tests the Frighteners Fortune event in Diablo Immortal to determine if it's worth the orbs and money.

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Griot the NPC

ECHO Gaming Diablo recently uploaded a video titled “Testing Frighteners Fortune Event – is it Worth it Diablo Immortal”. In the video, ECHO Gaming Diablo discusses their thoughts on the event and whether it is worth the orbs and money. They start by explaining that they have 20,000 orbs and are curious to see if the event is worth it. The event costs 300 Frighteners funds to do 10 draws, which translates to $5. They proceed to do the draws and analyze the rewards they receive.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Frighteners Fortune event costs 300 orbs or $5 for 10 draws.
  • The rewards from the draws include gem power, normal gems, and aspirant keys.
  • ECHO Gaming Diablo believes that the event is not worth the money as the rewards are not valuable enough.
  • The fun factor is an important aspect for ECHO Gaming Diablo when evaluating events, and this event lacks excitement.

Is the Event Worth it?

ECHO Gaming Diablo concludes that the Frighteners Fortune event is not worth it. While the rewards include some valuable items such as legendary crests and gems, the overall value does not justify the cost. Additionally, the lack of fun and excitement in the event further diminishes its appeal.

Challenge Rifts Difficulty and Importance

ECHO Gaming Diablo shifts the focus to challenge rifts, explaining that a new season has started and the difficulty levels have been reduced. They emphasize the importance of participating in challenge rifts for both leaderboard rankings and upgrades. By completing challenge rifts, players can obtain materials such as cryptic crystals and scrap materials, which are essential for upgrading secondary gear. ECHO Gaming Diablo highlights the significance of challenge rifts for new players who may not be familiar with these aspects of the game.

Free Battle Pass and Other Events

ECHO Gaming Diablo mentions that there is a free battle pass giveaway on the Diablo Immortal Twitter page. They encourage viewers to participate for a chance to win a free battle pass. ECHO Gaming Diablo also briefly mentions the Legions of Horror event, which offers rewarding gameplay. They express their enjoyment of events that provide substantial rewards for minimal effort.

Overall, ECHO Gaming Diablo’s video provides valuable insights into the Frighteners Fortune event and highlights the importance of challenge rifts for progression in Diablo Immortal.