Dynamic Gameplay in Valorant: Should You Be Able to Swap Agents?

Should Valorant allow swapping agents mid-game? Users give mixed reactions, from stale tactics to dynamic experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

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Valorant players are buzzing about the idea of swapping agents mid-game. Would it make the game more exciting or lead to chaos?


  • Dynamic gameplay potential with agent swapping.
  • Concerns about game balance and strategy impact.
  • Suggestions for implementing agent swaps in specific game modes.
  • Agents on the Move

    Some players worry about stale tactics if agent swapping is allowed. ‘Most people lock their mains,’ notes iFlask, highlighting the potential shift in player behavior.

    Gameplay Impact

    But others like boyardeebandit see swapping as a fun addition without harming the game’s competitiveness. ‘Interesting idea, I’d like to see it,’ they comment, acknowledging the potential for diverse gameplay.

    Community Reactions

    totallynotpoggers expresses concerns about game balance, predicting a meta overrun with specific agents if swapping is allowed. ‘Every defense would be 5 sentinels,’ they fear.

    While some, like AbsentMindedMonkey, suggest exploring the idea in a separate game mode for variety, others like cob709 strongly oppose the concept, believing it would worsen the game experience.

    MiltonArge, on the other hand, keeps it short and simple with a firm ‘No’ to agent swapping.