Dragon Fruit Sprout: A Skin Idea for Brawl Stars

Join the hype around the Dragon Fruit Sprout skin idea and see what Brawl Stars gamers are buzzing about!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars fans are abuzz with ideas for new skins,


  • Fans are excited about the unique Dragon Fruit Sprout skin concept.
  • Users appreciate the creativity and cute art style of the proposed skin.
  • Some express concerns about potential reposts or similarities to existing content.

Excitement Over Dragon Fruit Sprout

Sprout players are thrilled at the idea of a new skin, with comments like, ‘I want this in the game. NOW,’ and ‘I’d pay 800 gems for this!’ showing the enthusiasm for the concept.

Creative Art Style Appreciation

The artistic flair of the skin idea is commendable, with comments praising Taurtle’s work as ‘another absolute masterpiece culinary experience’ and ‘Cook again, this is fire 🔥🔥🔥.’

Concerns and Questions

Some users express doubts about originality, questioning if the skin idea is a repost or too similar to existing content. While most appreciate the artwork, there are a few who raise valid concerns about attribution and originality.

Overall, the Brawl Stars community is buzzing with excitement over the Dragon Fruit Sprout skin concept, showcasing a mix of enthusiasm, appreciation for creativity, and a hint of skepticism about potential reposts.