Double Whammy: Why ‘League of Legends’ Didn’t Sign Doublelift

Dive into why 'League of Legends' opted not to sign popular player Doublelift. Check out the community feedback and the reasons behind this decision.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the high-stakes universe of ‘League of Legends’ (LoL), strategic decisions on roster alterations always stoke the coals of discussion. The recent controversy involving the non-acquisition of star player ‘Doublelift’ is no different. This blogpost delves into the LoL community’s reactions and sentiments about the decision.


  • Comedic relief in the disappointment: A notable number of players appreciated humor as a coping mechanism, by expressing appreciation for a Honda advertisement which they found amusing.
  • Frustration about communication gap: Some players highlighted issues regarding the language barrier, indicating potential cultural and communication rifts within teams.

Laughing in the face of disappointment

Some players found solace in humor amidst their disappointment over the decision. According to user ‘TheExter‘, an unexpected Honda advertisement provided this momentary relief. Beyond this, HypocrisyConspiracy admitted to chuckling at a moment in the ad. Whether they found laughter in the ad itself or it served as a diversion from disappointment is subjective.

The Complexities of Communication

Notwithstanding the humor, some players parsed serious concern over certain issues. For example, Kiyoh pointed at the language barriers that appear to be a ‘worrying trend’. This concern might be indicative of larger issues involving global talent acquisition and linguistic compatibility within teams. Thus, highlighting a potential challenge in the international e-sport industry.

The Doublelift Dilemma

At the center of the hullabaloo stands the player in question, Doublelift. According to lolflailure, maybe fate just dealt him a bad hand for not hailing from Korea. This evinces the community’s sentiment regarding potential preference towards Korean players in the League. Whether this is indeed a bias or simply a coincidental recruitment trend is a topic for another day.

In the unpredictable world of e-Sports, roster shake-ups are undeniable. The discourse around the non-signing of Doublelift is a perfect testament to this. From surprise Honda ads to language barriers and even geographical biases, the League of Legends community’s response provides a fascinating look into the intricacies of e-Sports team dynamics. While not everyone may agree on the decision, it surely stimulates passionate discussion, humor, and occasionally, a good chuckle at the madness of it all.