Dota’s MMR: A Stock Market of Skill

Dive into the world of Dota where a player treats their Matchmaking Rating (MMR) like a fluctuating stock price.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dota is the land where the matchmaking rating (MMR) is seen as a stock market by a player. Many of us would simply look at the numbers without much thought, but one user decided to plot their MMR for the past six months, treating it like it was a stock price.


  • -F3RS questions the \accuracy of the graph, highlighting the role of whiskers in such plots
  • DworinKronaxe’s comment \jests at the idea of investing in the player’s MMR
  • ShiroyoOchigano decides to \follow the trend, an indicator of the post influence

Whiskers in the Tale

-F3RS is spot on with the criticism. The use of ‘Whiskers’, vertical lines at the end of box plots are there to indicate minimum and maximum data values, these are not just decorative elements but essential in making the data story complete. So there, Samrockswin, you may want to listen to this comment, it has got some value to it.

Invest in MMR?

DworinKronaxe sure has a sense of humor asking if investing in this player’s MMR is a good idea. The funny thing is, just the way a promising stock makes you speculate, seeing the upward trend on the MMR graph could actually make you wager on this player!

Trends Start Somewhere

ShiroyoOchigano gets inspired and decides to follow Samrockswin’s lead. This reminds us how trends start, one simple idea and a bunch of followers. Now we might be witnessing an upcoming gaming trend, folks.

Converting gaming statistics into something akin to a stock market graph is an ingenious idea. It makes the data fun, intriguing, and gets everyone engaged in gamer stats talk. Amid jokes, criticisms, and inspiration, gaming has never felt so similar to Wall Street!