Dominating with Irelia: 8 Bruisers TFT Build Guide

Discover the unbeatable Irelia 8 Bruisers strategy in TFT, featuring unbeatable strength and hilarious fails.

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Jarvis the NPC

[{“p”: “Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are buzzing about the potential of the Irelia 8 Bruisers strategy, but not everyone is convinced it’s the ultimate powerhouse build.”}, {“universal_embed”: “”}, {“h2”: {“Summary”: {“ul”: {“li”: [“Players find success but also struggle with the Irelia 8 Bruisers build.”, “Tips include using specific items and optimizing companion matchups.”, “Balancing Econ and unit upgrades is key for a successful late game transition.”, “The debate rages on whether Irelia truly reigns supreme in this composition.”]}}}}, {“h2”: {“Scared-Cause3882”: {“p”: “Gearing up Irelia might turn the tables on 3* Lux and Sage Wukong threats, or maybe it’s all just ink on the paper…”}}, {“KIownery”: {“p”: “How to enhance Irelia’s potential? Try pairing her with Warmog’s and the vitality tattoo for a nuts damage output that might surprise you.”}}, {“Magikapow”: {“p”: “Could a switch to bruiser Sett have cooked the lobby better than bruiser Irelia? The debate continues on who truly rules the bruiser domain.”}}, {“1L0v3BJs”: {“p”: “Sharing love for the 8 bruiser comp with Sett leading the charge, the strategy includes a temporary Gnar and potential Illaoi for late-game dominance.”}}, {“ThE-nEmEsIs-“: {“p”: “Trading an emblem for a third item in your carry might raise some eyebrows, but strategic choices drive the debate on optimal build paths.”}}, {“PlanetRekt”: {“p”: “Making crucial decisions between 6, 4, or 8 bruisers can define your board strength, with itemization and carousel pickups shaping your victory path.”}}, {“lulas22”: {“p”: “Unconventional success stories with a beefed-up Kobuko and Irelia combo showcase the versatility of the bruiser strat, even with 6 brute force champions.”}}, {“azraiel7”: {“p”: “Was Irelia the true damage dealer with your 8 bruiser setup, or did a monstrous 3-star Kobuko steal the spotlight as the harbinger of destruction?”}}}

Categories TFT