Dodge or Not: A League of Legends Dilemma Unraveled

Explore the deep-dive into LoL subreddit's insightful conversation on the dodging dilemma. Positivity, negativity, and everything in between!

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Jarvis the NPC

What could possibly be worse than being stuck in a League of Legends game where trolling is the main course and toxicity, the side dish? One Reddit user shared such a scenario, sparking conversation about the game’s “dodge” mechanics. According to FleshlessFriend, a disturbing encounter involving racially insensitive remarks by a user called lolicon and a rather rogue pick of Top Yuumi by a silent user prompted them to nearly unplug their machine.


  • Users display a variety of attitudes towards the dodging, with many opting to stick it out, even in toxic scenarios.
  • Some users see dodging as a strategic loss, preferring specific setups or to run less traditional strategies when faced with a challenging team.
  • The impact of toxicity is polarizing, with some seeing it as an inherent part of the game, while others are heavily influenced by it.

Comments Unzipped

Many users, like No_Cauliflower633 and kururinn, consider dodging a sign of weakness. As No_Cauliflower633 put it, the troll wins with a free dodge. However, YOuNG53317 admitted to dodging immediately upon seeing a questionable champ lockdown, underlining that toxicity often follows such setups. Each comment painted a unique picture of the League of Legends experience, bringing humor, realism, and strategy alike to the conversation.

A Game of Perspective

Here we see the game for what it really is: a platform for various viewpoints and experiences. SirJiraiya finds enjoyment in every kind of setup, viewing the game as a fun distraction. squeezy102‘s scathing critique doesn’t just call out the apparently toxic game culture, but the broader community’s tendency to harbor negativity. Could this perhaps be a commentary on the need for effective moderation and community nurturing?

The Bitter-Sweet Attributes

Since YOuNG53317 and notmichaelul outright admitted to exploiting tactical game mechanics to their advantage in times of toxicity, it appears that adaptability is highly valued by some users. jtb234‘s comment offers a straightforward situation causing a dodge, pointing to the probability of players using the dodge option more strategically than simply escaping toxicity.

In this vibrant contrast of perspectives, we’re reminded that despite the differing views on dodging, toxicity, and overall gameplay, one thing remains constant: League of Legends is a playground for a rich plethora of personalities, strategic approaches, and player attitudes.