Diving Into Valorant: The Great Outlaw Debate

Exploring the divided opinions on the strategic usage of the 'Outlaw' in Valorant's 2nd round.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

Valorant, the popular tactical shooter game, offers a host of strategic choices. One such choice is using ‘Outlaw’, a topic creating buzz among players. ‘We-Win-Those’ stirred the pot by addressing the often-discussed topic of purchasing Outlaw in the 2nd round. This scenario is particularly relevant to players in the silver/gold elo, which is known for its diverse approach to be considered.


  • Players debate whether buying Outlaw 2nd round is strategically sound.
  • The decision reportedly affects the ‘economic’ aspect of the 3rd round.
  • Player’s sentiments and opinions about the Outlaw seem to vary.

In-Depth Insights

Diving deeper into the conversation, players expressed differing sentiments about the strategy. EOnizuka22 highlighted that buying ‘util’ and/or pistol in the 2nd round can put your economy at risk in the 3rd round due to the threat posed by the Outlaw. This point echoes the perceived ‘economic’ implications of strategic choices made early in the game. It’s more about being financially cautious.

However, Ghost10041031 differs drastically stating there is no point in getting the Outlaw in the 2nd round as the marshal does the same thing most of the time. According to him, most enemy teams won’t have shields after losing anyways, which diminishes Outlaw’s usefulness.

Analyzing strategies

While the debate seems to center mostly around whether it’s wise to purchase the Outlaw in round 2, several users, like ARClegend_18, suggested that people often buying light shields after losing the Pistol round. In such scenario, using the Outlaw would be a wise choice. The real essence here lies in having an informed strategic viewpoint about your opponent’s potential move.

Nevertheless, godz144 suggested that whether or not you buy the Outlaw in the 2nd round, you’re very likely to win the round anyway, thereby taking away any significant need for the Outlaw.

Final Thoughts

From the above findings, it is clear that the strategy of buying an Outlaw in the 2nd round is a hotly debated topic. While some players see it as a potentially game-changing move, others see it less favourably. Ultimately, it appears that the decision to purchase the Outlaw is heavily dependent on the context of each game and the players’ interpretation of their opponents’ economic situation. However, whether you’re in team Outlaw or not, everyone can agree that a little spirited debate makes Valorant all the more interesting.