Diving into the Merits of Odysseus Bow in Smite: Player Perspectives Analyzed

Unfolding the debate on the effectiveness of Odysseus Bow in Smite through user experiences and strategies.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Smite, the effectiveness of items can often make or break a game. One such item is the Odysseus Bow, with a post by user ‘thegoldenbagel’ sparking a discussion on whether this ultimate lightning distributor is really as electrifying as it seems.


  • The element of choice between Odysseus Bow and critical hits presents a strategic crossroad for players.
  • The item proves most effective in late games, amplifying the hunter’s power in intense team fights.
  • General consensus indicates the item is not in the current meta but still holds its value in particular game phases and situations.

The Strategic Dilemma

‘Outso187’ and ‘Chocolate_Rabbit_’ shed light on the recurring question of choosing between Odysseus Bow and a critical hits build. It appears that the choice isn’t that straightforward. ‘Outso187’ states, ‘If you’re not building crit, you want Obow on your build. Highest potential dps item for hunters.’

Power Timing

User ‘aTyc00n’ emphasizes the timing of acquiring Odysseus Bow: ‘It’s a really good late game item. I’d caution against buying it early on in the game as the item gives you no power, the only stat on it is attack speed. But yeah, late game it’s a really good dps boost.’ It seems that strategy and timing play a significant role when utilizing this item. Source

Meta or Not?

What’s in the meta often dictates the popularity of choices in games like Smite. User ‘HawtPackage’ asserts, ‘It’s not currently in the meta, but it’s a good item. The passive does a lot of damage in team fights and helps with clear.’ So, while it may not be the go-to item currently, it didn’t lose all of its charm. Citation

Ultimately, the value of Odysseus Bow lies in the hands of the player. While not the gold standard, it holds its place in the arsenal of choices with its unique benefits and strategic advantages. At the end of the day, it’s not about the bow, but the archer who wields it. And as ‘thegoldenbagel’ demonstrates, sometimes, it’s simply about what ‘feels nice.’