Diving down into the Depths of Enshrouded: A Comprehensive Build Analysis

A comprehensive look at numerous character builds in the popular MMORPG Enshrouded, based on user insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded, the popular MMORPG, comes armed with a plethora of builds for its diverse player base. This analysis highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each character build, offering a detailed evaluation from ‘Internal_Guest_4787’, a veteran player who spent significant time testing each build at max level.


  • Overall sentiment around build balancing in the game Enshrouded is mixed, leaving room for much-needed improvements.
  • Beloved builds like the Warrior and Wizard generally receive favorable reviews, although some improvements are suggested.
  • Less favorable reviews are directed at the Beastmaster and Assassin builds, putting them under scrutiny for future improvement.
  • Given the cost and performance inefficiencies, ranged weapons such as bows are not recommended for new players.

Top Picks

The Warrior is a versatile pick and great for beginners. Melee combat facilitated by steady DPS from one-handed weapons make it highly recommended by players. The Battlemage, despite having a small skill tree, offers great utility against ranged enemies, adding another layer of strategy. Despite their overpowered abilities, Wizards are a community favorite, thanks to their wide-ranging abilities to deal substantial damage and heal themselves effectively.

Controversial Builds

The Assassin, unfortunately, does not fare as well among the Enshrouded player base. Its high operational cost coupled with minimal return pushes this otherwise exciting build down the review ladder. Ranger faces similar critique as expensive ammo costs and inefficient recovery systems make it less popular. Nevertheless, the Eagle Eye and Bee Sting abilities bring a unique flavor to the playing field, provided you are willing to dust off those arrow-fletching skills.

Mixed Bag: Athlete and Beastmaster

For more experimental players, the Athlete and Beastmaster offer a blend of opportunities and challenges. Athlete’s ‘Jump Attacks’, despite being quite useful in scavenging, leave the player exposed in one-on-one combat, leading to mixed reviews. The Beastmaster, while exciting in theory, has been unfortunately reported as lacking in effectiveness.

In this investigative analysis, varying views and opinions expressed by the player base have led us to understand that while choice is plenty, effectiveness is subjective. Implementation of balance changes are looked forward to by the community, hinting towards the potential of undeveloped character builds and improvements needed within the current favourites. As ‘dremox1’ puts it succinctly, ‘Thanks for the share and insight.’ Thus reaffirming the importance of such player-led investigations.