Discovering the Most Underrated Call of Duty Games according to Reddit Users

Which Call of Duty games do Reddit users think are underrated and deserve more love? Let's dive into the hidden gems of the franchise.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty has a rich history of games, but not all receive the recognition they deserve. Reddit users recently discussed the most underrated Call of Duty titles, sparking a lively debate on the franchise’s hidden gems.


  • Reddit users debate which Call of Duty games are underrated.
  • Infinite Warfare and WWII are mentioned for their unique aspects.
  • Older titles like CoD2 also get recognition for their level design.
  • Overall, opinions vary, showcasing the diverse appeal of the franchise.
  • Infinite Warfare: A Surprising Gem?

    Matthew728 praises Infinite Warfare for its engaging campaign, despite facing criticism from the community. The sci-fi shooter elements added a fresh twist to the traditional Call of Duty experience.

    WWII: Controversial but Underrated

    KirbyAndStars acknowledges WWII’s flaws but argues that it deserves more credit. Despite the backlash, some players appreciate the game’s nuances and unique features.

    Exploring the Classics: CoD2’s Legacy

    adamircz highlights CoD2’s exceptional level design and immersive atmosphere, recognizing its age as a barrier for many players. The game’s historical scope remains a standout feature for fans.

    This diverse range of opinions showcases the varied perspectives within the Call of Duty community. Each game, despite its shortcomings, holds a special place in the hearts of different players. The debate on underrated titles adds depth to the franchise’s legacy and sparks nostalgia for long-time fans.