Discover the Enchanting Chenyu Vale OST in Genshin Impact

Delve into the mesmerizing Chenyu Vale OST album "Jadeite Redolence" in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Unveil the enchanting melodies of Chenyu Vale as Genshin Impact introduces the OST album “Jadeite Redolence,” featuring a myriad of captivating tracks.


  • Community raves about the exquisite tracks of Chenyu Vale OST in Genshin Impact.
  • New OST captures unique essence of Chenyu Vale within Version 4.4.
  • Fans applaud revamped themes like Baizhu’s and CR SQ traveller’s.

Chenyu Vale’s Melodies

The distinct music of Chenyu Vale stands out amidst Liyue’s tunes, evoking a sense of ancestral connection in listeners like float16.

Fan Anticipation

Excitement brews as fans eagerly await the release of the Chenyu Vale OST, as echoed by Pokefreaker-san and Still_Breadfruit2032.

Language Enthusiasts

Users like caucassius ponder the origins of words like ‘redolence’ used in the OST, adding a fun linguistic twist to the discussion.

The allure of Chenyu Vale’s OST captivates players, creating a buzz of excitement within the Genshin Impact community.