Diablo Sorcerer’s Dilemma: Ball Lightning or Chain Lightning?

Join the debate on using ball lightning or chain lightning with a sorcerer in Diablo.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Diablo sorcerer debates between ball lightning and chain lightning in Act 3, seeking advice on maximizing effectiveness and minimizing mana usage. The original post delves into the pros and cons of each lightning spell.


  • Gravitational Aspect crucial for maximizing ball lightning’s potential.
  • Ball lightning can be lackluster without the necessary legendary aspects.
  • Players recommend experimenting with ball lightning for a game-changing experience.

Gravitational Aspects Unleash Ball Lightning’s Power

The consensus is clear: to truly unleash the potential of ball lightning, acquiring the Gravitational Aspect is paramount. Users emphasize that the spell’s effectiveness significantly improves with this specific legendary aspect, ensuring that it doesn’t just float past enemies.

Legendary Aspects Are Game-Changers

Several players highlight the importance of legendary aspects in transforming ball lightning from a lackluster option to a formidable force on the battlefield. Without these aspects, the spell may indeed feel underwhelming compared to other alternatives.

Experimenting with Ball Lightning

While some users caution about the spell’s efficacy without the necessary enhancements, others encourage experimentation with ball lightning, noting its potential to revolutionize gameplay once players obtain the essential aspects. It’s a matter of strategy and playstyle preferences.

Whether you stick with chain lightning or venture into the realm of ball lightning, the decision ultimately boils down to your playstyle and progression goals in Diablo. Both spells offer unique advantages and challenges, shaping your sorcerer’s journey through the treacherous lands of Act 3 and beyond.