Diablo Rare Gear Management Guide: Salvage or Sell?

Managing rare gear in Diablo can be confusing for new players. Should you salvage or sell them? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are your stash and inventory overflowing with rare gear in Diablo, and you’re not sure what to do with them? Let’s unravel this loot-filled mystery!


  • Players advise selling or salvaging non-improving gear
  • Save only perfect-rolled legendaries for late-game
  • As you level up, keep upgrading gear with better finds

Advice on Rare Gear

Players suggest salvaging or selling unwanted rare gear, focusing on immediate upgrades and saving legendaries for late-game.

Strategic Approach

One player emphasizes the importance of constantly upgrading gear as better items drop, advising to keep only perfectly rolled legendaries for advanced gameplay.

Gold Management

Advice on managing gold efficiently by either salvaging or selling gear not beneficial to your build, ensuring a steady flow of resources.

Transitioning from new player to seasoned adventurer in Diablo can be overwhelming at first. Understanding the value of gear and the importance of strategic decisions is crucial for navigating the game successfully. Whether you choose to salvage or sell your rare items, remember that each decision shapes your journey in the mystical world of Diablo.