Diablo on Fire: Bone Spirit Rises to Eclipse Bone Spear! – A Look at User Opinions

A deep dive into the Diablo necromancer specifics. How are buffs to Bone Spirit shifting player strategies and hopes online? We explore.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players, prepare for a shake-up. A recent update to the game’s mechanics have the Diablo community buzzing and it’s all about necromancers. Specifically, the rise of the Bone Spirit skill, and its potential to dethrone the current darling, Bone Spear.


  • Changes to Bone Spirit have sparked a debate within the Diablo gaming community, bringing a new dynamic to gameplay.
  • Players perceive potential for strategic synergy between Bone Spirit and Bone Spear.
  • Doubts are arising about the effectiveness of Bone Spirit’s single target damage.
  • There’s palpable excitement over anticipated insane damage output gains from Bone Spirit.

The Bone Spirit Revolution

Users such as ‘SQRTLURFACE’ have suggested interesting strategic synergies between Bone Spirit and Bone Spear. In a forum contribution, they point out that, “you can still synergize this fairly well to work with Bone Spear, and in the very high end, use Bone Spear as a generator and Bone Spirit as your Spender/Nuke.” Through this lens, the Bone Spirit buff not only amps up the power of the skill itself but also amplifies the potential of Bone Spear.

Strategies and Doubts

Bone Spirit’s newfound glow has not blinded players from querying potential weaknesses. User ‘pissjarcollectr’ brings up potential issues about Bone Spirit’s effectiveness against single targets and how the ‘Heart of Selig’ buff could play into this in their comment. They rightly note, ‘seems like it would be a great skill for clear, but single target might be an issue’.

Excitement Among Players

The possibility of Bone Spirit dealing damage in the billions, as suggested by ‘NotionalWheels’, has raised players’ hopes high. Comments like ‘now it’s going to be even more ridiculous’ capture the overall sentiment of the community’s thrill.

All in all, Diablo’s recent buffs to Bone Spirit have ignited a flurry of strategic conversations, doubt and optimism among players. While Bone Spear’s reign isn’t over yet, Bone Spirit’s newfound power is not to be or bone lightly. In our closely-knit Diablo community where conversation rules the roost, only time (and spirited gameplay) will tell the true impact of these changes.